Seeing and Letting Go of Filters
We don’t just see the world or ourselves in it. We see the world as filtered by our experience, past and present. It’s like we are all wearing a pair of glasses that colour everything …
We don’t just see the world or ourselves in it. We see the world as filtered by our experience, past and present. It’s like we are all wearing a pair of glasses that colour everything …
Meditation isn’t about making anything happen. It’s just about giving ourselves an opportunity to see what’s happening and then to choose how we want to be with it. We can’t choose what’s happening. But we …
There are many different ways of being with thoughts and thinking in meditation. Here are a few that might be helpful, especially if you’ve been feeling assaulted by your thoughts lately. Thoughts are not the enemy! The …
I always thought that when I yelled at my daughter, it was because of her. I was wrong. It’s not her. It’s me. It turns out, I yell because I’m stressed not because she’s doing …
The story goes that someone asked Michelangelo how he could make a masterpiece out of a block of old marble To which he replied: “The sculpture is already complete within the marble block, before I start my …
Sticky Brains teaches children about the negativity bias, mindfulness, and neuroplasticity. Here are some ways (discussion and activities) to bring these ideas to life with your students or children: Right now feels like the perfect …
Everything is insane right now! Here is a meditation that might help: not to get rid of the pain but to hold ourselves with a bit more kindness and compassion. Because if life sucks anyway, …
A virtual panel discussion wtih Dr. Nicole Libin and four other influential parenting expertsWe all need some help and support as we face these challenges. In this webinar, parents will be empowered parents with information …
Until I get much, much better at embedding, here are the links to my guided meditations on soundcloud.
Here are some thoughts and strategies for managing fears and cultivating kindness and compassion amid this epidemic For anyone who is really struggling with getting anything done It’s totally understandable that you can’t think straight …