
Free drop-in meditation sessions, weekly on Zoom. Join for a quick meditation and a chance to connect, collect, and breathe. See below for details.

Online Courses


Usually Tuesdays, 5:15 pm MT. See calendar for updated schedule.

I use Zoom for all online connections.

This group is free/by donation, designed to be accessible and available to anyone interested.

Drop-In Meditation Group

A chance to sit and practice together, with opportunities for connection, discussion, and Q&A.

Themes will be based on the needs of the participants with a focus on authenticity, self-compassion, dealing with negative thoughts, and finding our own path towards peace amid a chaotic mind.

Open to anyone who is interested, regardless of experience or background. All you need is a relatively stable internet connection. And even then, I will do my best to record and post all meditations online.

In-Person Courses

All in-person courses are postponed until we can be in the same room with people we aren’t related to.

Mindfulness II – Winter 2020

April 8 – May 6 Wednesdays, 7-8:15pm

Calgary (Parkhill/Stanley Park) ?map

$300 for six week class
$75 for students or anyone in need of a reduced rate

Mindfulness Meditation II – Beginning Again

This course is for those who have taken Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation and would like to continue the journey with a group.  Mindfulness II is an opportunity to practice together, to discuss mindfulness and some of the challenges that arise as we practice, and to explore new teachings.  It is not intended as the next level but rather a chance to continue and to begin again (and again and again).  Sessions will include guided meditations, in-depth discussion, personal exploration, and teachings from a variety of traditions.

Prerequisite: Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation or permission from the instructor